Return policy

If you regret your purchase, please return the package in the same condition as when you received it. It is important that the product's original packaging is not damaged or destroyed. We reserve the right to reject a package if the product's packaging is damaged and cannot be resold.

Your right of cancellation is 30 days* when shopping online. Your right of withdrawal starts when you have received your product. Your right of withdrawal is respected if the product is returned within 30 days of receipt*.

If you refuse to accept your product on arrival, i reserve the right to charge a fee, at the negative contractual rate, for any costs we may incur in returning the product.

If you want to return your product and get the money back, you must pay for the shipping yourself. You can choose to use the attached return label (only orders sent within Denmark). Please note that we charge a fee of DKK 39. If you choose to return your product, the shipping fee will not be refunded.